What we Do
Accrediting and Quality Assurance Agencies and Entities
Independent Review and Evaluation of Accreditation or QA Standards
Effectiveness Assessment of Quality Assurance Framework
Application for Recognition Guidance
Higher Education Institutions and Programs
Accreditation Evaluations and Renewal/Reaffirmations
Application for Initial Institutional and/or Specialized Accreditation
Institutional Leadership and Staff Professional Development
Accreditation Preparatory (Mock) Assessments
Compliance Audits
Exploration of Growth and Development Opportunities
Live Training
Institutional Quality Enhancement Programs
The following training programs can be tailored to meet specific institutional needs. They are available at the institution's site or packaged for own delivery (purchase content):
Staff Development (includes at least 5 modules/sessions)
Institutional Compliance - Onboarding or Professional Development.
Learning Outcomes Assessment
Faculty Development and Improvement